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We have a problem

I think Hdubs and I are hoarders…. because it feels like every 6 months I am cleaning the crap out of our house.

I wasn’t planning on spending the beautiful day cleaning out the crap, but we have a small Sprite explosion in the kitchen late last night and I don’t want bugs. Needless to say the kitchen has been ripped apart and de-sugared. (Times like this I wish I was still in Morocco…. way easier to clean all concrete. Like for really throw the water and soap everywhere and rise.)

Anyway so as I cleaned out the kitchen I also cleaned out the tupperwear. We keep everything …. every sour cream container, yogurt container, cottage cheese container and butter dish that comes into our house. I keep them in part because I feel bad about all the plastic and I feel like if I keep using them that makes up for it a little bit? Honestly I hate that yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream doesn’t come in glass jars. Maybe it does in your neck of the woods but around here plastic is all you see for miles and miles.

So by the time I go through and ditch those, ditch a few random other things and find all the things that have fallen in all the back corners the pile I have to take to the dumpster is embarrassing.  It bothers me…. I try to be careful about how many plastic bags I use and bring my own, I try to be careful about the packaging of the things we buy but we still end up with so much.

Now that I am feeling the throw away all the things burn, I’m on to the office. Where just like the kitchen every six months it feels like we are drowning in papers.

Any tips for prevention from all of you wonderful peeps out there would be welcome! 🙂

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