Freebies · Meal Planning · Meal Plans

Free Planner! #prepingforfall

Ok maybe I should have said Meal Planner… but if you know me this blog at all you maybe saw that coming! 🙂

For the last two years I have been struggling with using meal planners, meal planner printables and shopping lists made by other people. It works … kinda. However I usually end up leaving them at home or forgetting the shopping list or not having enough room to write.

So I spent a little time creating my own, but before you download this one let me point out a couple of things.

  1. We don’t have dessert every day, but it deserves it’s own space.
  2. It could go into a binder… if binders are your thing. I don’t get along with binders, so I will be using the binding machine (seriously: I am looking to buy an old one for my home, any leads let me know) to bind mine.
  3. You can print it however you want… but this is how I am printing mine this is the printing plan I had when designing it. I will print the whole thing double sided so the first week of meal planning will be on the back of the cover. This way when I lay it out on the table I will be able to see the meal plan list and the shopping list at the same time.

I am truly excited about this creation and I hope that you enjoy it and maybe get some use out of it! If you don’t like it all your out is some paper and ink… no big deal.

Meal Planner

Click Meal Planning Notebook for the printable. Enjoy!

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