
This is a grouping of resources that truly helped my family became the amazing family unit that we are. We are in no way done and keep looking for new things to keep improving.


faithclub This book is a real open honest conversation between moms about how their faiths affect not only their own lives but the lives of those around them to. I learned a lot from this book. Click on the cover to check it out on Amazon.

growing up global This is a great book about exposing your children to different things as they grow. It gives great low cost ideas that you can try without having to travel to each place.

The Muslim Next Door A great story of a real person and how there everyday living as an American Muslim. A look at your average person’s life without the drama and radicalism.

Muslim's Teenage Guide

Growing up Muslim

Kids Books

Lunchbox - CopyLaternsapple treeStories of the prophetGeorgeDuckI am mixed



Zabihah – An app that finds all the halal restaurants in the area, Mosques that maybe near by and Grocery stores that have Halal products. Its wonderful if you are moving to a new area or travel frequently.

Muslim Pro – We use this app to keep up with Prayer times. When Hdubs moved to the States he really missed the Call to Prayer and frankly so did I. It’s a great reminder to take a minute to spend with Allah.



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