Homemade · Morocco · Multicultural Experiences

Natural Remedies

We believe in a couple different natural remedies in our household. We have your normal real honey and lemon for a sore throat and a warm glass of milk before bed to help you sleep. However we have a couple different remedies that I thought I  would share.

Upset Stomach – Oregano Tea

Make a glass of warm plain tea (if you are like H-dubs you can add 2 tablespoons of sugar) and add a tablespoon of oregano. Allow the oregano to seep as long as you would let the tea seep.

Hair Loss – Garlic

 Any place where you might be losing your hair or you have a thinner spot rub garlic on it. Fresh raw garlic, not minced from a jar. Rub it on before bed, put a shower cap on and leave it overnight. Continue to do this twice a week for a month or two and you will see your hair coming back.

I would love to hear what unique natural remedies you know of or use.

Share your thoughts!